Our Services

Crop Planning

Our agronomic and ruminant nutrition knowledge base allows us to work with producers to improve crop rotations to meet forage yield and quality. Nutrient management and economic goals will also be improved. These plans are customized by farm and reviewed annually.

Moisture Monitoring/Irrigation Scheduling

With our challenging years with drought, heat and limited irrigation, we can help producers with soil moisture monitoring and guide using the data to water efficiently.

Silage and Feed out Evaluation

Proper preservation, storage and usage of silage is critical. We can audit silage storage for heating, density, and quality factors. We also can evaluate feed out and mixing strategies to make sure the feed is delivered uniformly. In conjunction with whole farm crop planning we can help plan forage inventory management.

We also offer:

*Ruminant Nutrition and Ration Balancing

*Crop Scouting and Monitoring

*In Season Satellite Imagery

*Production Economics and Budgeting

Get in Touch

Ready to meet your forage needs? Contact us anytime for expert help and quality products!